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Outsourcing Consultants for USA Companies Outsourcing to India

Rudyard Kipling, The Elephant's Child:

"I keep six honest serving men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who."

I good consultant is the one who tells you the answers to these six questions before you learn them the hard way.

Madaan & Co. has helped foreign companies in setting up there outsourcing operations and joint ventures in India in various sectors, including IT, BPO, KPO, manufacturing and other fields. We provide outsourcing consultancy including the following:

  • Match Making

  • Outsourcing Options & Planning

  • Drafting Outsourcing

  • Contracts & Agreements
  • Incorporating company, subsidiary, or joint venture

  • Corporate Structuring & Tax planning

  • Cultural Training

  • Employee Agreements & Policies

  • All other requirements in Outsourcing.

 A careful tax planning is required before opening a subsidiary, branch, joint venture, project office or liaison office in India. We can help you in corporate planning and setting up in India and other countries. Click here to Contact us

Our consultants & lawyers include those admitted to bar in the United States of America and India. They have undertaken legal maters in the USA, India and Europe. They understand the multi-cultural  and the multi-jurisdictional aspects of international business in this age of globalization. They include those educated at Harvard Law School, Harvard University in the USA and premier universities in India. They believe in high moral and legal ethics. Click here to Contact us

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See also Doing Business with India Free Guide | FDI in India Sector wise Guide | Formation of Subsidiary in India | Starting a Business in India | Opening Branch in India | Incorporating company in India | Procedure for Formation of Company in India | Government Approvals for Investing in India | Entry Strategies in India for Foreign Investors | FIPB Approval for Foreign Investment in India  |  RBI Approvals for FDI in India | FDI in Small Scale Sector in India Further Liberalized Tax Rates in India Withholding Tax Rates For Foreign Companies Doing Business In India Under The Tax Treaties | Annual Corporate Filings in India | Joint Ventures in India | Outsourcing to India | Legal Outsourcing

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Article on Outsourcing



Why do companies need Offshore Outsourcing consultants? Some benefits, that make hiring a consultant a perfect business sense, are given below.

  • They are objective to Customer Operations but out of their Corporate Power Games. Very rarely we will find an organizational power center in a consultant.

  • They have been there done that and can replicate it again for their customers and just as the customers want it.

  • They are clued in and can transfer skimmed information and best practices.

  • If moving offshore, they can behave as a one-stop shop for entire Project Management.

  • Local knowledge is yet another key that they hold.

Evolving as they are, consultants have grown from simple business sourcing companies for their centers in India to companies that can provide end to end solutions for your needs should you are headed offshore to India. There is a paradigm shift here - a giant leap from Business Development Consulting to Turnkey Project Management. The roles have changed the following being prominent:

1. Facilitative: These guys are strong facilitators and experienced practitioners who bring methodologies and local knowledge with them. Will empower the group to level where decision making is a snap. A facilitative consultant can easily assist customers in getting work done for you.

2. Contributive: Normally a consulting team member. This entity can be an objective and unbiased contributor to the solution; may fill a gap in your team that cannot be filled from within the organization; should be someone knowledgeable in your industry. Will fill the group in with what's good, what's not and what can be done. Mild. A contributive consultant will generate enough information for customers to know what needs to be done if you are going offshore.

3. Consultative: A subject matter expert with knowledge of performance levels and best practices of similar organizations and processes; able to perform specific tasks for the team. Will take decisions in the perimeter drawn around their tasks. These guys get a little cheesed off when other process loops from other departments overlap and start having a bearing on their area of expertise. Customers can expect this person to consult objectively but in silos, for example, technology only.

4. Project Consultative: A consulting organization which can source out end to end solutions for you, from regulatory, real estate to stabilization of business operations. This breed can be fearfully strong when it comes to negotiations. These are the guys you need to look for if you are looking offshore to setup your operations. This is technically a Project Management interface which integrates various experts and function specific executioners to ensure that customers are up and running as they like it and as soon as possible.

Selection of a consultant will vary depending upon what your objective is. If you are looking at outsourcing to a company offshore, then you need someone who is capable of being a facilitator. In case you want to create an offshore presence then you need a turnkey project management consultant.



Outsourcing is the contracting out of a company's non-core, non-revenue producing activities to specialists.

S uccess in outsourcing can be expected when Outsourcing Agreements, Service Level Agreements & Contracts are set up right and the parties know their duties well.

It differs from contracting in that outsourcing is a strategic management tool that involves the restructuring of an organization around what it does best - its core competencies.

Two common types of outsourcing are Information Technology (IT) outsourcing and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). BPO includes outsourcing related to accounting, human resources, benefits, payroll, and finance functions and activities. Knowledge Process outsourcing (KPO) includes outsourcing related to legal, paralegal, and other highly skilled activities.
For more information on how to Draft Outsourcing Agreements click here

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Types of Outsourcing Arrangements

Outsourcing arranges may range from sub-contracting to joint ventures to co-opetition and a long range in between. It depends on the needs of a company to see what kind of arrangement bests suits it. An outsourcing consultant can walk you through various options and help you set up optimal outsourcing for your company in a cost-effective manner.

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How to Draft an Outsourcing Agreement, BPO Agreement, KPO Agreement?

A good outsourcing agreement is one which provides a comprehensive road map of the duties and obligations of both the parties - outsourcer and service provider. It minimizes complications when a dispute arise. However, many a times people neglect to pay attention while drafting an outsourcing agreement.

O utsourcing Agreements, Service Level Agreements & Contracts are a must.  Lawyers who understanding the work culture and legal environment of both the jurisdictions should be involved in drafting Outsourcing Agreements.

Before finalizing an outsourcing agreement, the terms should be thoroughly discussed and negotiated to avoid any misunderstanding at a later stage. Lawyers from all applicable jurisdictions must be consulted before finalizing any outsourcing agreement.

Before signing an Outsourcing Agreement the following must be properly addressed:

  • Duties and obligations of Outsourcer

  • Duties and obligations of service provider

  • Applicable law to outsourcing agreement

  • Term of the Agreement

  • Events of Defaults and Addressing

  • Dispute Resolution Mechanism them

  • Time limits

  • Location of Arbitration

  • Number of Arbitrators

  • Interim measures/Provisional Remedies

  • Privacy Agreement

  • Non-compete Agreement

  • Confidentiality Agreement

  • Rules Applicable

  • Appeal & Enforcement

  • Be aware of local peculiarities

  • Survival after Termination of the main agreement.

Every outsourcing agreement should be modified as applicable under different circumstances. One brush should not paint all the painting. For more information on how to Draft Outsourcing Agreements click here

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