Doing Business with India
Free Guide for Foreign Companies Doing
Business in India, Investing in India, Outsourcing to
India, Trading with India
On this page:

Basic Facts about India
Did you know that India.....
is the world's second largest
small car market
is one of only three countries that
makes its own supercomputers
is one of six countries that
launches its own satellites
one hundred of the Fortune 500 have
R & D facilities in India
has the second largest group of
software developers after the U.S.
lists 6,500 companies on the Bombay
Stock Exchange (only the NYSE has more)
is the world's largest producer of
milk, and second largest producer of food, including fruits and
is a world economic power, with growth over the
past few years averaging 8%
is the world's fourth
largest economy, based on purchasing power parity -
sends more students to the U.S. A.
colleges than any other country in the world (In 2007, over 84,000
Indian students enrolled in the U.S. A.) -
has the world's second largest
pharmaceutical industry after China -
has a middle class estimated at 300 million
out of a total population of 1 billion -
with its large base of English speaking skilled human
resource, it is most
sought after destination for business process outsourcing, Knowledge
processing etc. -
is the second largest English-speaking scientific, technical and
executive manpower in the world -
produces more than 900 movies a year - significantly more than
the USA -
has become increasingly attractive to foreign
investors in various sectors -
its low costs and huge, English-speaking, workforce
have made it popular with multinationals for work including
manufacturing and call centers. -
provides many tax exemptions to companies set up
in Special Economic
Zone -
provides many tax incentives available to IT companies,
business process outsourcing and KPO companies -
has a stable political system based on
parliamentary democracy -
has a common law legal system
with English as a court language -
is emerging as a major market and
investment destination.
India is the largest country in
South Asia and the seventh largest in the world. China, Nepal
and Bhutan are the neighboring countries in the north,
Bangladesh and Burma in the east and Pakistan and Afghanistan in
the west. In the south the country tapers off into the Indian
Ocean. India is the second most populous country in the world,
with over one billion people. India is the largest democracy in
the world. English is extensively used for business and is
understood almost all over India. The Indian Rupee
(International symbol is INR) is the country’s currency. India is
committed to a free economy after having an economy controlled by
licensing until 1991. India has become a member of the WTO and is
disbanding quantitative restrictions on imports.

Full name: Republic of India
Population: 1.2 billion
Capital: New Delhi
Most-populated city: Mumbai (Bombay)
Area: 3.1 million sq km (1.2 million sq
Major languages: Hindi, English and at
least 16 other official languages
Major religions: Hinduism, Islam,
Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism
Life expectancy: 62 years (men), 65
years (women) (UN)
Monetary unit: 1 Indian Rupee = 100
Main exports: Agricultural products,
textile goods, gems and jewellery, software services and
technology, engineering goods, chemicals, leather products
GNI per capita: US $720 (World Bank,
Internet domain: .in
International dialing code: +91
Law Firm for India:

India is a common law country with a written
constitution which guarantees individual and property rights. There is a
single hierarchy of courts. Indian courts provide adequate safeguards for
the enforcement of property and contractual rights. However, case backlogs
often result in procedural delays. Most of the laws are codified. Regulations
and policies fill in the details.
Major bodies of law in India affecting foreign investment are the Foreign
Exchange management Act of 1999 ("FEMA"), the
Companies Act of 1956, the Industries Act of 1951, the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act
of 1969 and the New Industrial Policy of 1991. Foreign collaboration and
equity participation in India is regulated by the Foreign Exchange
Act of 1999. The Industries (Development Regulation) Act of 1951 governs
industrial regulation. The Companies Act of 1956 regulates corporations and
their management in India. The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices
Act of 1969 ("MRTP") governs restrictive and fair trade practices. The New
Industrial Policy of 1991 ("NIP") which lays down the policy and procedure
for foreign investment has liberalized and simplified the investment procedures.
The major changes introduced by NIP are as follow:
NIP brings about a streamlining of procedures, deregulation, de-licensing,
a vastly expanded role for the private sector and an open policy towards
foreign investment and technology.
Foreign investors are allowed to hold more than 50% equity ownership
in most of the sectors, and 100% percent equity ownership in some sectors.
Foreign Institutional Investors ("FII's) from reputable institutions
(like pension funds, mutual funds) may participate in the Indian capital
Joint ventures with trading companies
and imports of secondhand plants and machinery are allowed.
Monopoly and restrictive trade practice restraints (i.e., antitrust laws)
have been eased.
Customs duties have been slashed considerably; duty-free imports are
allowed in some cases.
The rupee is completely convertible; 100% of foreign exchange earnings
can be converted at free market rates.
Export policies have been liberalized.
The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act has been amended to encourage foreign
investments in India.
A tax holiday is available for a period of 5 continuous years in the first
8 years of establishing exporting units.
A tax holiday for up to 5 to 8 years is available and 100% equity
participation is allowed for the power projects in India.
Concessions in tax regime are available for foreign investors in high-tech

Revenue accruing to foreign companies (including royalty and technical services
fees) from providing services concerning the exploration or production of
petroleum or natural gas is subject to a maximum tax on a deemed profit of
10% of gross revenue.
Foreign companies engaged in the execution of turnkey power project contracts
approved by the government and financed by international programs are subject
to a maximum tax on a deemed profit of 10% of gross revenue.
The corporate income tax effective rate for
domestic companies is 35% while the profits of branches in India of
foreign companies are taxed at 45%. Companies incorporated in India even
with 100% foreign ownership, are considered domestic companies under the
Indian laws. For
more details check our Tax Rates page
Non-Export Incentives
India offers a wide range of concessions to
investors to provide incentives for economic and industrial growth and
development. India's tax rates may not be one of the lowest in the world,
but a careful tax planning keeping in mind the tax holidays and the following
general tax incentives reduce the taxes considerably:
No corporate taxes are levied for a period of five years for projects set
up for domestic power generation and transmission and also for projects in
Electric Hardware Technology Park Schemes.
Deduction of preliminary and preoperative expenses incurred in setting up
a project
Complete tax exemption on profits from exports of goods
Full or partial exemption of foreign exchange earnings on construction projects,
hotel and tourism related services, royalties, commission, etc.
Liberal depreciation allowances
Deduction of capital research and development expenditures
New industrial undertakings may deduct 25% of their gross total income for
eight years
The New Export-Import Policy of 1992 provides
substantial tax incentives for investments in Export Oriented Units ("EOU's")
and industries located in the Export Processing Zones ("EPZ's"). Automatic
approvals are given by the Secretariat for Industrial Approval for setting
up 100% Export Oriented Units ("EOU"). Incentives and facilities available
under the EOU scheme include concessional rent for lease of industrial plots,
preferential power allocation and supply, exemption from import duty for
capital goods and raw materials for power sector industries as well as for
trading companies primarily engaged in export activity.
There are six EPZ's or free trade zones located in different parts of the
country. These zones are designed to provide internationally competitive
infrastructure facilities and duty-free and low cost environment. Various
monetary and non-monetary incentives are granted which include import duty
exemption, complete tax holiday, decentralized "single window clearance,"
Twenty-five percent of goods manufactured in EPZ's are permitted to be sold
in the domestic market. No excise duty is payable on such items and customs
duties on imported components is 50% of normal rates. Major exporters are
allowed to operate bank accounts abroad to facilitate trade. Companies that
sell in the domestic market as well as international markets may deduct export
earnings from their tax liabilities.
Exporters and other foreign exchange earners have been permitted to retain
25% of their foreign exchange earnings in foreign currency. For 100% Export
Oriented Units and units in Export Processing Zones, Electronic Hardware
Technology Parks, retention up to 50% is allowed.
Other incentives include:
Duty-free imports of raw materials and components.
Tax holiday for a period of 5 continuous years
in the first 8 years from the year of commencement of production.
Exemption from taxes on export earnings even after the period of tax holiday.
Exemption from central and state taxes on production and sale.
Permission to install machinery on lease.
Freedom to borrow self-liquidating foreign currency loans at the prime rate
of interest.
Inter-unit transfers of finished goods among exporting units.
Decentralized single-window clearance of proposals concerning units in Export
Processing Zones.
EOU/EPZ units may export through Export Houses, Trading Houses and Star Trading
See also Tax Rates in
India | Withholding
Tax Rates For Foreign Companies Doing Business In India Under The Tax Treaties

India has entered into tax treaties with a
number of countries including, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France,
Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mauritius, Singapore, the United Kingdom
and the United States. These treaties endeavor to avoid double taxation and
attract know- how and technology. In many treaties the withholding tax on
royalties and fees for technical services emanating from India is lower than
the general tax rate. A careful planning and corporate structuring can reduce
the tax obligations considerably. The following treaties have been successfully
used by international investors to reduce their tax obligations in India
and in their home countries:
(a) India - U.S.A. Tax Treaty
The the best prospect
sectors for U.S. exports to India, according to US Department of Commerce,
Airport & Ground Handling
Computer and Peripherals
Education Services
Electrical Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution Equipment
Food Processing & Cold Storage Equipment
Machine Tools
Medical equipment
Mining & Mineral Processing Equipment
Oil & Gas Field Machinery
Pollution Control Equipment
Safety and security equipment
Telecommunication Equipment
Textile Machinery
_____****_____ |
The Indo-U.S. tax treaty considerably reduces
the withholding tax in India for royalties, fees for technical services,
and for interest paid to the US banks and financial institutions. The withholding
tax on dividends arising out of India is 15%, if the parent company owns
at least 10% of the voting stock. The withholding tax on royalties and technical
services fees is at the rate of 15%. The capital gains is taxed at a rate
of 20%. The withholding tax on rental of equipment and interest paid to U.S.
banks and financial institutions is at the rate of 10%. All these rates are
lower than the regular withholding tax rates.
(b) India - Mauritius Tax Treaty
The withholding tax rates for dividends and
capital gains can be reduced further by a careful corporate structuring and
tax planning. The Indo-Mauritius tax treaty offers reduced withholding taxes
for companies incorporated in the island country of Mauritius. Recently some
U.S. companies have invested in India through offshore subsidiaries incorporated
in Mauritius. For companies incorporated in Mauritius there is no withholding
tax on capital gains in India and the withholding tax on dividends is only
5%. The companies incorporated in Mauritius, at present, can opt not to pay
any tax in Mauritius.
See also Tax Rates in
India | Withholding
Tax Rates For Foreign Companies Doing Business In India Under The Tax Treaties

The Reserve Bank of India ("RBI") accords
automatic permission for foreign technology agreements in high priority
industries up to 5% royalty for domestic sales and 8% for exports, subject
to total payment of 8% of sales over 10 year period from date of agreement
or 7 years from commencement of production. In addition, lump-sum technology
payments up to Rs. 1 crore, i.e., (Rs. 10 million) are permitted under the
automatic approval system. The prescribed royalty rates are net of taxes
and are calculated according to standard procedures.
Subject to the aforesaid guidelines, automatic approval is available in non-high
priority industries, if no foreign exchange is required for any payment.
Governing Laws
Transfer of technology agreements must be
subject to the laws of India. These agreements can be subject to arbitration
under the rules of international institutions like the International Chamber
of Commerce (the "ICC"). Arbitration can take place in India or abroad. India
is a party to the 1958 New York Convention on Enforcement of Arbitration
Awards. Foreign awards are, therefore, enforceable in India. Under Indian
law, upon termination of the transfer of technology agreement after its 7-10
year period, the technology is deemed to be perpetually licensed to the Indian
party for use in India. Special rules apply to the transfer of technology
to Indian government companies.

One of the biggest concerns for foreign investors
is how to get dollars out of India? Historically, it is not a problem to
repatriate investments and profits from India. The Overseas Private Investment
Corporation ("OPIC"), a U.S. government backed insurer of foreign commercial
dealings, has never had to pay a claim due to India's failure to provide
foreign exchange. Dividends, capital gains, royalties and fees can be repatriated
easily with the permission of the Reserve Bank of India. In a short, specified
list of consumer goods industries, dividend balancing is required against
export earnings.
In case of an exit decision, the overseas
promoter can repatriate his share after discharging tax and other obligations.
He can also disinvest his share either to his Indian partner, to another
company, or to the public. Even during the so-called worst period no foreign
company left India without proper and due compensation. Problems do arise
when people and businesses try to go around the rules or from
Rupee, the Indian currency, is convertible for the current account. It means
Repatriation of foreign exchange at the existing market rates has become
Exporters can retain 25% of total receipts in foreign currency accounts to
meet requirements such as travel, advertising, etc.
Foreign exchange will be available at market rates for all imports except
specified essential items.
Foreign exchange requirements for private travel, debt servicing, dividend
or royalty payments and other remittances may also be obtained from banks
or exchange dealers at the current market rate.
The system has the advantages of completely bypassing bureaucratic controls
and freeing importers from delays and inefficiencies.

Almost all the agriculture sector in India
is in private hands. Most of the industrial sector is open to private
participation. The number of industries reserved for the public sector has
been reduced to 6. The industries reserved for public sector are arms and
ammunition, defense equipment, defense aircraft and warships, atomic energy,
coal lignite, mineral oils, and sulfur and diamonds. All other areas are
open to the private sector and private sector participation on a selective
basis even in the still restricted areas is being considered. In practice
railways, post and telegraph, shipbuilding, oil exploration and mineral
industries are mostly government owned. A process of disinvestment of government
holdings in selected public enterprises has been initiated. The government
plans to form a new corporation, Indian Railways Catering Tourism Corporation
(IRCTC). IRCTC will take over catering work and enter into tourism projects
and trains in collaboration with private sector.

India is a common law country.
Most of the courts use English as the court language.
There is single hierarchy of
courts in India with the Supreme Court of India at the top.
See also
Arbitration in India |
Litigation in India |
Dispute Resolution in India |
International Commercial Arbitration
UNCITRAL Model Law on
International Arbitration

Recently India enacted the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 ("New Law"). The New Law is based on the United Nations
Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law on International
Commercial Arbitration ("Model Law"). Among others, the objectives of the
New Law are to harmonize the Indian arbitration law with the Model Law and
establish an internationally recognized legal framework for arbitration,
consolidate the laws on domestic and international arbitration and conciliation,
and enforcement of foreign awards. Another important purpose of the New Law
is to encourage arbitration as an alternate dispute resolution process and
avoid prolonged judicial process.
See also
Arbitration in India |
Litigation in India |
Dispute Resolution in India |
International Commercial Arbitration
UNCITRAL Model Law on
International Arbitration
India allows, in many sectors, setting up of
subsidiaries in India which are wholly owned by foreign
investor, including foreign companies.
There are two ways to form subsidiaries in India:
Automatic route; and
Special Permission Route
In certain sectors such as information
technology, development of integrated townships, mass rapid
transport services, export oriented manufacturing, 100%
ownership by foreign investors is allowed, subject to certain
terms and conditions. However, they have to apply for and obtain
permission from government authorities. In certain other sectors
FDI up to a specified percentage is permitted under the
automatic route, See also
FDI in India Sector wise Guide |
in Small Scale Sector in India Further Liberalized
In certain other sectors FDI up to 100 is
permitted with prior approval of the Foreign Investment
Promotion Board (“FIPB”)/Secretariat of Industrial Approvals (“SIA).
The obvious advantages of a subsidiary are total
control over funding, management and profit share of the
business. However, the flip side is that in a subsidiary where
the total management is foreign, the advantage of local
knowledge of customs and methods is lacking from very outset.
See also Formation of
Subsidiary in India | Starting a Business in India |
Opening Branch
in India
Incorporating company in India |
Procedure for Formation of Company in India
See also
Government Approvals for Investing in India |
Entry Strategies in
India for Foreign Investors |
FIPB Approval for Foreign Investment in India |
RBI Approvals for FDI in India

Joint Venture companies are the most preferred
form of corporate entities for investment in India. There are no separate
laws for joint ventures in India. The companies incorporated in India, even
with up to 100% foreign equity, are treated the same as domestic companies.
Foreign companies are also free to open branch offices in India. However,
a branch of a foreign company attracts a higher rate of tax than a subsidiary
or a joint venture company. The liability of the parent company is also greater
in case of a branch office.
The Government has outlined 37 high priority areas covering most of the
industrial sectors. Investment proposals involving up to 74% foreign equity
in these areas receive automatic approval within two weeks. An application
to the Reserve Bank of India in the form FC (RBI) is required. The application
can be made either by the Indian party or the foreign party. Existing companies
having foreign equity holding and desiring to increase it to 74% can also
obtain automatic approval if they are in priority areas. Besides the 37 high
priority areas, automatic approval is available for 74% foreign equity holdings
setting up international trading companies engaged primarily in export
Approval of foreign equity is not limited to 74% and to high priority industries.
Greater than 74% of equity and areas outside the high priority list are open
to investment, but government approval is required. For these greater equity
investments or for areas of investment outside of high priority an application
in the form FC (SIA) has to be filed with the Secretariat for Industrial
Approvals. A response is given within 6 weeks. Full foreign ownership (100%
equity) is readily allowed in power generation, coal washeries, electronics,
Export Oriented Unit (EOU) or a unit in one of the Export Processing Zones
For major investment proposals or for those that do not fit within the existing
policy parameters, there is the high-powered Foreign Investment Promotion
Board ("FIPB"). The FIPB is located in the office of the Prime Minister and
can provide single-window clearance to proposals in their totality without
being restricted by any predetermined parameters.
Foreign investment is also welcomed in many
of infrastructure areas such as power, steel, coal washeries, luxury railways,
and telecommunications. The entire hydrocarbon sector, including exploration,
producing, refining and marketing of petroleum products has now been opened
to foreign participation. The Government had recently allowed foreign investment
up to 51% in mining for commercial purposes and up to 49% in telecommunication
sector. The government is also examining a proposal to do away with the
stipulation that foreign equity should cover the foreign exchange needs for
import of capital goods. In view of the country's improved balance of payments
position, this requirement may be eliminated.
Selection of a good local partner is the key to the success of any joint
venture. Personal interviews with a prospective joint venture partner should
be supplemented with proper due diligence. Once a partner is selected generally
a memorandum of understanding or a letter of intent is signed by the parties
highlighting the basis of the future joint venture agreement. Before signing
the joint venture agreement, the terms should be thoroughly discussed to
avoid any misunderstanding at a later stage. Negotiations require an
understanding of the cultural and legal background of the parties. See
also Joint Ventures in India
Joint Venture
Agreements |
Outsourcing Agreements |
Outsourcing to India | Formation of
Subsidiary in India |
Starting a Business in India |
Opening Branch
in India
Incorporating company in India |
Procedure for Formation of Company in India

Services Offered by Us
Madaan & Co. has helped
companies in setting up there operations in India
and other countries. A careful tax planning is required before
opening a subsidiary, branch, joint venture, project office or
liaison office in India. We can help you in corporate planning
and setting up in India
and other countries. We have also helped US law firms in
handling their India related legal work. We can help
your law firm or company in setting up in India and
other countries. Click
here to Contact us
Our lawyers include those admitted to bar in the
United States of America and India. They have
undertaken legal maters in the USA, India and Europe.
They understand the multi-cultural and the
multi-jurisdictional aspects of international business
in this age of globalization. They include those educated
at Harvard Law School, Harvard University in the
USA and premier universities in India. They believe in
high moral and legal ethics.
Contact us
All legal services regarding Doing
Business in India
Incorporating in a company in India
Opening a
Branch Office
Opening a
Project Office
Setting up
Joint Ventures in India
Setting up a
subsidiary in India
Drafting Agreements
Setting up
Outsourcing in India
Dispute Resolution