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International Commercial Arbitration Conference & Workshop in USA

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Standard International Chamber of Commerce, Paris (ICC) Arbitration Clause


The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) recommends that all parties wishing to make reference to ICC arbitration in their contracts use the following standard clause.



"All disputes arising out of or in connection with the present contract shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules."



"Tous différends découlant du présent contrat ou en relation avec celui-ci seront tranchés définitivement suivant le Règlement d'Arbitrage de la Chambre de Commerce Internationale par un ou plusieurs arbitres nommés conformément à ce Règlement."



"Alle aus oder in Zusammenhang mit dem gegenwärtigen Vertrag sich ergebenden Streitigkeiten werden nach der Schiedsgerichtsordnung der Internationalen Handels-kammer von einem oder mehreren gemäß dieser Ordnung ernannten Schiedsrichtern endgültig entschieden."



"Tutte le controversie derivanti dal presente contratto o in relazione con lo stesso saranno risolte in via definitiva secondo il Regolamento d'arbitrato della Camera di Commercio Internazionale, da uno o più arbitri nominati in conformità di detto Regolamento."



"Todas las desavenencias que deriven de este contrato o que guarden relación con éste serán resueltas definitivamente de acuerdo con el Reglamento de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio Internacional por uno ó más árbitros nombrados conforme a este Reglamento."


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Further Note for ICC Arbitration Clause

Parties are reminded that it may be desirable for them to stipulate in the arbitration clause itself the law governing the contract, the number of arbitrators and the place and language of the arbitration. The parties' free choice of the law governing the contract and of the place and language of the arbitration is not limited by the ICC Rules of Arbitration.

Attention is called to the fact that the laws of certain countries require that parties to contracts expressly accept arbitration clauses, sometimes in a precise and particular manner.


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Arbitration lawyers

Our arbitration lawyers and arbitrators include those who have  undertaken arbitration in the USA, Europe, and Asia. They have undertaken arbitration in the USA, India and Europe. They understand the multi-cultural  and the multi-jurisdictional aspects of international business in this age of globalization. They those educated at Harvard Law School, Harvard University in the USA. They believe in high moral and legal ethics.

We assist our clients with resolution of disputes in all areas of general and special practices, including commerce, finance and industry. Our highly trained & experienced attorneys endeavor to prevent disputes by ensuring proper documentation and by tactfully handling the matter. However, in cases where disputes cannot be prevented, we take utmost care in preparation of our client's case and ensure that the client gets the best advice and support in resolving their disputes. Our attorneys are highly experience and has dealt with hundreds of arbitrations & conciliation, including:

  • Preparing and presenting the case before arbitrator
  • Domestic and International Arbitration
  • International Chamber of Commerce, Paris Arbitration (ICC)
  • American Arbitration Association (AAA)
  • Enforcement of Awards

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Contact Information:
Madaan & Co.
Attorneys at law
E-mail:  click here
Fax: +1 (216) 928-9537
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Exporting Importing Conference: Procedures, Documentation & Law
Workshop & Conference in USA
  International Commercial Arbitration Conference & Workshop in USA

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